My Current Skincare Routine: Step 8 Rosehip Oil (Life-flo Pure Rosehip Seed Oil Review)

Step 8 Night Only: Life-flo Pure Rosehip Seed Oil

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Rosehip oils in general are supposed to be good for anti-aging, and are definitely a hyped-up skincare product. While I don’t believe the claim that they are supposed to be good for anti-aging DUE TO the claim that they “have a natural source of Vitamin C”, which is just silly as the form of Vitamin C in rosehip oil cannot be absorbed into the skin, this rosehip oil was certainly good for my skin and helped restore mine to a healthy and moisturized, glowy complexion. I put it on at night after all my other skincare steps and always wake up with plump, dewy, moist skin. One of my absolute favorite skincare finds of all time!

This one in particular is cheap AF at just $5.99 a bottle (some rosehip oils can be $40 and above) and almost 100% pure rosehip oil, with 99% being rosehip oil and 1% being antioxidant Vitamin E as a preservative to keep it fresh/prevent it from decomposing. Rosehip oil is also an oil based off linoleic acid, which is supposed to be better for oily skin types than other types of oils richer in oleic acid such as jojoba oil and marula oil.

Application Tips: In general you should always use facial oils as the last step in your skincare routine, because they seal or trap the other products into your skin and other products on top of them can’t really penetrate through the oil into your skin very well (because oil is an occlusive). Also, I recommend dispensing it onto your fingertips then spreading it on your face/neck to avoid it from absorbing too much into your palms. It’s a very rich but thin serum so it’s great and absorbs really quickly (sometimes I think it absorbs too quickly). It has a bit of an earthy smell but honestly it doesn’t bother me.

Should you use this during the day or night?: I happen to have oily skin so I use this product only during the nighttime when skin tends to be drier, as I think if I used it during the day there might end up being too much oil on my face which might break me out. (However although it might seem counter-intuitive or hard to believe [I know I didn’t believe it *AT ALL* when I first heard it until I actually used them and they worked wonders for me], using facial oils is usually actually really good for oily skin types too as it balances out the lack of oil in your face, which is typically what causes your skin to overproduce oil to compensate).

But depending on your skin type, if you have drier skin you can use it during the daytime to give yourself that radiant “glow” during the day and make yourself look alive and healthy.

Affordability: Cheap AF, Most people/Pretty much everyone should be able to afford this into their skincare routine

Where to get it: I found this at TJ Maxx for $5.99, you can also get it on iHerb online for only $5.41 for a full bottle!

CosDNA Analysis:

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Note: Tocopherol is another name for Vitamin E.

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